Friday, May 3, 2013

Final week of classes and SNOW

Hi All,

It is may 3rd and we have snow on the ground what is wrong with this picture. The Royals had their game canceled due to snow yesterday. I have to admit I am from Chicago so I thought nothing can beat the crazy weather that Chicago gets but I have to hand it to you Kansas City 80 degree days in January and snow on May 3rd this is pretty crazy. On Monday it was 86 out and I commented to a friend after I got back from a run that it was almost too hot out and now today the high is only like 40. People walking back from classes in flip flops and when it is snowing out was a funny scene I have to admit.

Anyway enough about the weather, I am officially done with classes for the semester time to celebrate right? .......oh wait there are those things called finals coming up next week, kind of important. I am very fortunate to only have two in class finals next week. My two in class finals are for Accounting Information Systems and Philosophy 1000, Reality and Human Existence Which I have to admit has been my hardest class at Rockhurst so far) so that is how I will be spending my weekend. I have one take home final due next week as well then freedom for the summer right?? Oh wait I work for Residence Life as a Desk Manager and as part of our contract we have to stay though the Sunday after graduation to help check out all the seniors. All the moms get to help their recent college grads move out on Mothers Day, what a great way to say "I love you Mom" now come help me move back home" in some cases. It is crazy to see how quiet campus gets so quickly. I have to admit I am kind of sad my time as a Residence Life staff member is coming to an end but how does the saying go "Everything happens for a Reason" or "When one door closes another opens" Once everyone leaves and it is just the Residence Life staff on campus you almost feel like you have the whole campus to your self. Then a week from Monday I am going to make the 8 hour drive back home.

Well that is it for now. I am off to go study with a few others for Philosophy. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!!

I saw this just a friendly inspirational reminder:

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